Product Details
System-specific connectors
The US interactive Customer Management Platform provides a
core platform for Internet-centric customer management solutions
with an ability to integrate enterprise and supply chain applications
and present a single web-based view of the customer that can
be extended across multiple channels and devices.
System specific Connectors are components of that platform
that provide business-rich out-of-the-box connectivity to
packaged applications in CRM, Billing, Order Management, Provisioning
and ERP.
Technically, these connectors are protocol translators between
the native syntax of a specific system and the operating system
neutral and network neutral syntax used by the Info-Hub. Connectors
are comprised of an Event Manager (handles event publishing),
a Data Access Layer (accesses application data) and an Agent
(application customization which captures events for publication).
They allow reliable, bi-directional communication with an
application or database without requiring complex programming.
Messaging is synchronous, asynchronous or asynchronous request-response.
Functionally they are lightweight because data transformation
and business rules based workflow happens at the Info-Hub.
Operationally, applications can be added to the platform
just by deploying connectors for them. Other integrated systems
remain unchanged. Modifications to a connector can be made
easily and rapidly. Underlying this is the important design
objective of protecting our clients existing investments.