Unified Views for Real-time eBusiness
A successful eBusiness enterprise's value network consists
of customers, partners, intermediaries, and suppliers. The
Internet is allowing all business processes in the value network
to be electronically enabled for seamless execution, with
low latency or in real-time. This means delivering access
to information and business processes to your users anytime
and anywhere, using an Internet browser or a wireless device.
To provide this "anywhere, anytime" access for
your customers, employees, and business partners, you need
a framework and a toolset which simplifies the creation of
web and wireless portals. This framework should provide easy
access to the data and business processes which are distributed
across multiple back-office systems in your enterprise. The
framework should also provide pre-built user interaction flows
and templates which model the most common business processes
you are likely to need, so that you can minimize the amount
of time you need to spend customizing web pages. However,
the framework should also give you complete control over the
look and feel of the web and wireless portals, so that the
finished product is familiar to your users and reinforces
your brand identity.

Unified View Solutions for Real-time eBusiness
US Interactive is a leading provider of web and wireless
portal solutions based on eBusiness integration technologies.
We enable companies to automate their value network of customers,
employees, and business partners by providing each of these
user groups with a single, customized web interface supporting
their particular needs. These web and wireless portals tie
directly into the necessary back-office systems and business
processes, providing a real-time Unified View of the enterprise
and the customer. This enables the company to provide many
benefits to its customers, employees, and business partners:
Provide customers with a single, unified view of their
entire relationship with the company for immediate real-time
account status and information
Improve convenience for customers by providing 24 hour access
via the web and wireless devices for services such as online
bill payment, service requests, transactions, trouble tickets,
Reduce support costs by giving employees and partners
a single view of the customer, greatly simplifying customer
service requests, billing adjustments, updates to personal
information, etc
Strengthen customer relationships by enabling customer
service representatives to see the entire relationship and
account history, providing opportunities for cross-selling
and up-selling
Speed time to revenue by making all customer-interaction
processes faster and more efficient
US Interactive provides pre-built components which enable
companies to rapidly achieve these benefits at low cost. Our
solutions can be implemented incrementally to deliver immediate
business results with minimum up-front investment. And our
entire award-winning framework of EAI, CRM, and Unified View
solutions integrates together seamlessly, creating a very
powerful customer management platform. Perhaps more importantly,
our solutions are also designed from the ground up using open,
Internet standards, making them easy to integrate with technologies
from other vendors.