AIG Direct
American International Group, Inc., (AIG) is the largest underwriter of commercial and industrial insurance in the United States, as well as a major force in the international insurance market. Headquartered in New York City, the $37 billion insurance and financial services company has had an online presence since 1996. AIG was one of the first companies
to create an e-business when it began selling auto insurance on its Web site.
By mid-1998, however, AIG realized that its Web site could sell and provide a broader range of services than just auto insurance. "We had a direct marketing division that sold a broad range of insurance products offline," says Scott Alexander, AIG's Chief e-Business Officer, "and we realized there was no reason we couldn't do the same on the Web."
Recognizing the great potential of the Internet, in February 1999, AIG hired US Interactive to provide an e-solution that strengthened customer relationships, increased customer loyalty, and provided a simple and hassle-free solution for purchasing and conducting insurance transactions.
USI's solution...